Wednesday, May 7, 2008


The unthinkable happened, they put RPK in jail. RPK refused bail even though he was given the opportunity and he certainly can afford it, instead he opted for detention until trial begins in October.

Now, he has a point to prove and RPK has the guts to do it, against government repressive attitude towards public who cried out for open criticism against wrongdoings of people in power.

The government has surprised me that they would want to cap the opinions of readers & bloggers in the bloggersphere by this action.
The world of internet has no boundary, if one still doesn’t realise it, opinions will forever be expressed against any wrongdoings, be it at home or abroad. What better ways than through the bloggersphere, for an opinion of the Raykat and the true feelings of fellow Malaysians. This is even better than ‘turun padang’.

There are plenty of equity laws for one to have justice in Malaysia, if one is innocently wronged. But by slapping the draconian law only shows the level of intelligence of those people involved. Justice will always prevail if one is innocent.

A fund was initiated to assist in RPK’s bail, on the day he was charged in court. Many supporters and well wishers got its intention wrong, by donating more than a ringgit per person as requested. Imagine, what would have happen if everyone followed as requested and the fund reached RM26 million, this will stop any wrong or right thinking person on its track!
I wish our law makers were smarter, than to use seditious act on RPK


zewt said...

i have feeling this is the beginning of another interest stint for our country.

william wang said...

Zewt - thanks, nice to have u here, just my 2-penny thought.