Friday, May 2, 2008


Yes, the name that strikes fear to quite a few during his heydays in power in Malaysia, started his blog on 1st May 2008.
There must be a lot of people, friends, enemies & opponents, are interested in what he had in mind.

I visited his weblog at about 9.00pm(Malaysian time) Labour Day, over 28K visitors had gone through his blog and again this morning(2nd may ’08) at 8.23am, it touched 50497 visitors with 382 comments and counting.

In his ranting, as usual, is consistence with his nature, the wheeling and dealing, the game he famed with. This had resulted in quite a change to Sabah political scene but my intention on this posting is not on this subject, it will be for another day.

Of particular interest is his statement on paragraph no. 3:

“Would the Commission actually appoint the judges or would it only recommend the names for the PM to approve or would the Commission recommend directly to the Agong for him to exercise his prerogative? Or would the Agong require the approval of the Rulers Conference? Or would the Conference of Rulers be merely consulted as is done now? Or would they be able to reject the candidate, and ask for new candidates or name new candidates of their choice?”

This gives us an insight to the many loopholes that the politicians in power of the day can use. I find this quite alarming, no amount of amendments or constitutional changes are going to safeguard us if the government in power are not sincere. I also wonder if the Bar Council who praised on the government’s intention to have a commission for judicial appointments realised it or they just feel there are enough knockings and let’s praise them a little.

This leads me to an understanding of my days in dealing with business. To start off, there must be sincerity in any partnership. A partnership that has trust & sincerity can be made on a single sheet of paper and be successful, lacking this no amount of agreements stretching to volumes of meaningless clauses, trying to safeguard other clauses, are going to help(some say it the American way).

At the end of the day, do our politicians in power have the will & determination to make our judicial system impartial and our judges just as determined.

There may be just too many skeletons in the closet, after 50 years in power, one cannot help thinking like that, but then again who doesn’t.

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