Saturday, May 24, 2008


Are Sabah Lawmakers Like This Sign; JUST EXTRAS!!!

As a residence of Sabah, you have to feel frustrated and disappointed with Sabah lawmakers, who time and again recently, voiced the hot topic of illegal immigrants in Sabah obtaining citizenship through the backdoor but when it comes to the gist of it, they rejected the proposal.
We can understand if not all of them are in favour of this, because some had probably benefited from it and perhaps financially as well.
But the proposal was dismissed without protest from all the 25 lawmakers from Sabah, are disappointing and downright disgusting.

This was not a problem that had arisen recently; it had been with us for the past 40 years and becoming more severe in the past 15 years.
The backbencher chairman from Sabah said, they do not need the opposition to help them and are capable in handling it themselves. As Sabahans, they are the aggrieved party, affected more by it and should be more concerned and no need for the opposition to interfere and help.
Do they really? Sabah has only 25 parliamentarians out of the 222 in total and past records showed that the central government had always not been keen in solving this issue.
For all you know, the suggestion of increasing Malaysia population to 60 million during Mahathirian period had Sabah in its design.
I do not think pride has anything to do in this non-supportive approach to the opposition proposal, more of the benefits that local politicians had benefited from this fiasco.

Sabah had a turbulent history and who would have remembered what had happened 40 years ago during USNO period.
Sabah politicians are still handling it the same way their forefathers did, grab as much as you can, my eyes no see the future and who is going to remember anyway.

Sabah does need a higher population in order to be progressive and competitive, having it through the natural process would be slow, but Sabah needs quality migrants, not the illegal ones that come to commit crime and rape your daughters. We already had plenty of them.

We just have to resign to the sad fact that we are unlikely to get any help from those who are involved in this grand scheme.
Shame on you, Sabah lawmakers, you don’t represent Sabah at all, bloody jerks. And it is all a mistake.
Even west Malaysia umno members had the guts to condemn PM, where are your guts just to help the Sabahans.

Sabah needs lots of divine interventions.

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