Saturday, April 19, 2008

CNN Journalists are Assassins

Not a day is passed without us being informed with half truth from the main media, be it local or international.
I used to think, international media like CNN & BBC had the integrity & resources that churn out only reliable news, how wrong can we get. It appears your ignorance is often being taken advantage. Through self admission from more conscientious journalists, do reveal the ugly side of the story of Iraq, how this was drum up to justify the American’s course to interfere and what a mess it had turn out to be.
As I read more into the history of Tibet, it begins to dawn on me, why violence in Tibet, remnants of military/terrorist groups.
I used to think, Tibetans are religious, peaceful people, minding only their business. The monks are in holy meditation, major part of the day thus one can only imagine, they have no time for earthy affairs.
History had it that in the 1950s, during the heights of cold wars, Tibetans were used by the west to contain the spread of communism and the Dalai Lama was their pawn, until this day, we still see support groups from the west for him. I can also imagine, his very existence relied on their handouts and made himself a very useful stooge for the west.
China is made of many provinces and many indigenous tribes, with different dialects and culture, Tibet is no exception. Modern china had been able to integrate and assimilate these tribes, it only appears that the separatist Tibetans(mainly of noble & monastery casts) are against assimilation and integration, while majority of those who left behind, formerly downtrodden poor hardcore Tibetans, are more eager to assimilate. It seems that some powerful unseen hands are bent on making China yet another Yugoslavia or Soviet Union.

What has this got to do in Olympics Torch Run

What annoy me daily are the reports on the Olympics flame runs, the reports have nothing to do with Olympics but more on the violence it created, it reported hundreds of thousands of protestors but can only come out with close shots of a few struggling with authority for publicity. I am as clear as mud on what exactly happened in London, Paris, or San Francisco. CNN especially, never had anything good to say on the Olympics and China in particular.
They may as well devote the whole Olympics to the Tibetans separatists.
CNN motives should be questioned, these people are not sincere and do not report the truth. CNN is completely quiet on what happen in Paris to a paralympian Jin Jing, against the spirit of Olympics and I brand them being assassins to the spirit of Olympics. Their true colour is also shown through their comrade Jack Cafferty, in his sweeping statement he distained Chinese as a bunch of goons & thugs and their products are junks.
I have this to say to all the CNN journalists, you are just a bunch of bastards and your mouths are as foul as the skunk’s asshole, to say this you probably insult the skunk.
The pro-tibetan demonstrators perhaps have the right to peaceful demonstrations, must also respect the rights of others to have this joyous occasion in the Olympics torch run, to disrupt others, do not deserve our attention and CNN is condoning to violence, which in retrospect, is their second nature.

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