Friday, April 25, 2008


Do you sometimes feel cheated when you had bought a product because of its convincing advertisement.

Without any effort to recall, one such advertisement that comes immediately, is the advertisement on milk product. It made to impress that the milk product will make you the next Einstein, or super athlete. Another advertisement gives you the impression that the toothbrush is recommended by your dentist. Yet another, the product will make your aches disappear almost instantly.

There are rules and regulations as to fair representation of a product, but of late, the enforcement is rather weak and the consumers had been taken advantage.

Now everyone can fly.... a familiar advertisement in red, with prices you can never imagine possible.
Is this advertisement abusing or transgressing advertisement policies and ethics.
What are no advertised are the terms and conditions in small prints and some customers are not even aware of it until they had committed themselves.
In most of it, what are not shown in advertisement, are the hidden cost.
Cost, because the fare is split into various components and only one potion is advertised, and of course, it appears very cheap. If the price is advertised as a package, I wonder how many will give it a second look.

Will people or company behind such unethical advertisements be able to survive in the long run? It appears such practices are doing very well and striving. Malaysians are such a gullible lot.

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